Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Already!

It is really already October. On one hand time is passing so quickly but then again my days seems so long and no day is like the other and everything changes all the time. I try to grasp every moment of what is happening in my life. I try to take mental pictures and try to take it all in.
This past Saturday was one of those days which was just simply defining. It was one of those days that I will look back to as the beginning of something. A dream come true. Another step into the right direction.
I organised my first ever concert in Elemenz and it was amazing. The atmosphere was just wonderful. People loved the music. The place was packed. Organising concert has been a dream of mine for a long time and as I stood there at its fulfillment last Saturday I was full of joy in my heart. Even now I am tearing up again. It just happened for me and everything about it was right and beautiful and the perfect timing. I was dancing on the inside and jumping for joy. I can see more and more of where God is leading me and He is giving me even greater dreams now.
Yes there's still a lot to figure out and still a ton I have no idea about but I know my God provides. I know my God will lead me. I know my God will give me everything to fulfill His purpose for my life. I cannot wait to see dream after dream being fulfilled.
So here are a few snapshots from Saturday and what we set up and how it all was. It doesn't nearly capture it as it should be I hope you still enjoy it:
I love creating stages like that and really wanted to make it feel like a home concert, a living room concert so to say. So I added the lamp and the candles and it just worked and I loved how everything looked and how the stage was surrounded by tables of people eating and enjoying the night!

Can't wait to keep going into this direction and seeing more and more concerts and artists play in Elemenz.



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